resolveReflectables function

Future<ReflectableOutput> resolveReflectables({
  1. required LibraryElement from,
  2. required CompilerFlags flags,
  3. required BuildStep buildStep,

Given the provided library, returns the ReflectableOutput.

This is a combination of classes, functions, and libraries that need to be referenced and linked in the generator initReflector() function in each .template.dart file.


Future<ReflectableOutput> resolveReflectables({
  required LibraryElement from,
  required CompilerFlags flags,
  required BuildStep buildStep,
}) {
  // Resolves the URI in the context of [buildStep].
  // Returns null if the URI is unsupported.
  AssetId? tryResolvedAsset(String uri) {
    try {
      return AssetId.resolve(Uri.parse(uri), from: buildStep.inputId);
    } on UnsupportedError catch (_) {
      return null;

  final reader = ReflectableReader(
    recordInjectableFactories: flags.emitInjectableFactories,
    recordComponentFactories: flags.emitComponentFactories,
    // For a given import or export directive, return whether we have the
    // Dart file's URI in our inputs (for Bazel, it will be in the srcs =
    // [ ... ]).
    // For example, if the template processor is running on an input set
    // of generate_for = [a.dart, b.dart], and we are currently running on
    // a.dart, and a.dart imports b.dart, we can assume that there will be
    // a generated b.template.dart that we need to import/initReflector().
    hasInput: (uri) async {
      final placeholder = tryResolvedAsset(_ngPlaceholderName(uri));
      if (placeholder == null) {
        return false;
      return buildStep.canRead(placeholder);
    // For a given import or export directive, return whether a generated
    // .template.dart file already exists. If it does we will need to link
    // to it and call initReflector().
    isLibrary: (uri) {
      final assetId = tryResolvedAsset(uri);
      if (assetId == null) {
        return Future.value(false);
      return buildStep.resolver.isLibrary(assetId);

  return reader.resolve(from);