matchAnnotation function

bool matchAnnotation(
  1. TypeChecker typeChecker,
  2. ElementAnnotation annotation

Checks if an ElementAnnotation node is exactly the type specified by url.

The url is of the form

It will attempt to compute the constant value of the annotation in case the annotation was declared in a file other than the one currently being compiled.

If a logger is provided, a warning is output if it fails to resolve the annotation, otherwise an ArgumentError is thrown.


bool matchAnnotation(TypeChecker typeChecker, ElementAnnotation annotation) {
  final object = annotation.computeConstantValue();
  // TODO(b/123715184) Surface the constantEvaluationErrors.
  try {
    return typeChecker.isExactlyType(object!.type!);
  } catch (_) {
    var message = ''
        'Could not determine type of annotation. It resolved to '
        '${annotation.computeConstantValue()}. '
        'Are you missing a dependency?';
    if (annotation is ElementAnnotationImpl) {
      message += ''
          '${annotation.annotationAst.toSource()} in '
    throw ArgumentError.value(