argParser property

ArgParser argParser

Command line arguements


static final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser()
      abbr: 'h', help: 'Print this help information.', negatable: false)
      help: 'Automatically respawn crashed application instances.',
      defaultsTo: true,
      negatable: true)
      negatable: false, help: 'Create a new Zone for each request.')
  ..addFlag('quiet', negatable: false, help: 'Completely mute logging.')
      negatable: false, help: 'Listen for HTTPS instead of HTTP.')
      negatable: false, help: 'Listen for HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1.1.')
      abbr: 'a', defaultsTo: '', help: 'The address to listen on.')
      abbr: 'j',
      defaultsTo: Platform.numberOfProcessors.toString(),
      help: 'The number of isolates to spawn.')
      abbr: 'p', defaultsTo: '3000', help: 'The port to listen on.')
  ..addOption('certificate-file', help: 'The PEM certificate file to read.')
      help: 'The PEM certificate file password.')
  ..addOption('key-file', help: 'The PEM key file to read.')
  ..addOption('key-password', help: 'The PEM key file password.');