AuthorizationServer<Client, User> class abstract

An OAuth2 authorization server, which issues access tokens to third parties.




extensionGrants Map<String, ExtensionGrant>
A Map of custom authorization token grants. Use this to handle custom grant types, perhaps even your own.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


authorizationEndpoint(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) Future<void>
A request handler that invokes the correct logic, depending on which type of grant the client is requesting.
clientCredentialsGrant(Client? client, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) FutureOr<AuthorizationTokenResponse>
Performs a client credentials grant. Only use this in situations where the client is 100% trusted.
completeImplicitGrant(AuthorizationTokenResponse token, Uri redirectUri, {String? state}) Uri
Returns the Uri that a client can be redirected to in the case of an implicit grant.
exchangeAuthorizationCodeForToken(Client? client, String? authCode, String? redirectUri, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) FutureOr<AuthorizationTokenResponse>
Exchanges an authorization code for an authorization token.
exchangeDeviceCodeForToken(Client client, String? deviceCode, String state, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) FutureOr<AuthorizationTokenResponse>
Produces an authorization token from a given device code.
findClient(String? clientId) FutureOr<Client>?
Finds the Client application associated with the given clientId.
getPkceCodeVerifier(RequestContext req, {bool body = true, String? state, Uri? uri}) Future<String>
Retrieves the PKCE code_verifier parameter from a RequestContext, or throws.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
refreshAuthorizationToken(Client? client, String? refreshToken, Iterable<String> scopes, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) FutureOr<AuthorizationTokenResponse>
Refresh an authorization token.
requestAuthorizationCode(Client client, String? redirectUri, Iterable<String> scopes, String state, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, bool implicit) FutureOr<void>
Prompt the currently logged-in user to grant or deny access to the client.
requestDeviceCode(Client client, Iterable<String> scopes, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) FutureOr<DeviceCodeResponse>
Performs a device code grant.
resourceOwnerPasswordCredentialsGrant(Client? client, String? username, String? password, Iterable<String> scopes, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) FutureOr<AuthorizationTokenResponse>
Issue an authorization token to a user after authenticating them via username and password.
tokenEndpoint(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res) Future
A request handler that either exchanges authorization codes for authorization tokens, or refreshes authorization tokens.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
verifyClient(Client client, String? clientSecret) FutureOr<bool>
Verify that a client is the one identified by the clientSecret.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.