jael function

AngelConfigurer jael(
  1. Directory viewsDirectory, {
  2. String fileExtension = '.jael',
  3. bool strictResolution = false,
  4. bool cacheViews = true,
  5. Map<String, Document>? cache,
  6. Iterable<Patcher> patch = const [],
  7. bool asDSX = false,
  8. bool minified = true,
  9. CodeBuffer createBuffer()?,

Configures an Angel server to use Jael to render templates.

To enable "minified" output, set minified to true

For custom HTML formating, you need to override the createBuffer parameter with a function that returns a new instance of CodeBuffer.

To apply additional transforms to parsed documents, provide a set of patch functions.


AngelConfigurer jael(Directory viewsDirectory,
    {String fileExtension = '.jael',
    bool strictResolution = false,
    bool cacheViews = true,
    Map<String, Document>? cache,
    Iterable<Patcher> patch = const [],
    bool asDSX = false,
    bool minified = true,
    CodeBuffer Function()? createBuffer}) {
  var _cache = cache ?? <String, Document>{};

  var bufferFunc = createBuffer ?? () => CodeBuffer();

  if (minified) {
    bufferFunc = () => CodeBuffer(space: '', newline: '');

  return (Angel app) async {
    app.viewGenerator = (String name, [Map? locals]) async {
      var errors = <JaelError>[];
      Document? processed;

      //var stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();

      if (cacheViews && _cache.containsKey(name)) {
        processed = _cache[name];
      } else {
        processed = await _loadViewTemplate(viewsDirectory, name,
            fileExtension: fileExtension, asDSX: asDSX, patch: patch);

        if (cacheViews) {
          _cache[name] = processed!;
      //print('Time executed: ${stopwatch.elapsed.inMilliseconds}');

      var buf = bufferFunc();
      var scope = SymbolTable(
          values: locals?.keys.fold<Map<String, dynamic>>(<String, dynamic>{},
                  (out, k) => out..[k.toString()] = locals[k]) ??
              <String, dynamic>{});

      if (errors.isEmpty) {
        try {
          const Renderer().render(processed!, buf, scope,
              strictResolution: strictResolution);
          return buf.toString();
        } on JaelError catch (e) {

      Renderer.errorDocument(errors, buf..clear());
      return buf.toString();