startServer method

Future<HttpServer> startServer([
  1. String address = '',
  2. int port = 3000

Starts listening to requests and filesystem events.


Future<HttpServer> startServer(
    [String address = '', int port = 3000]) async {
  var isHot = true;
  _server = await _generateServer();

  if (_paths.isNotEmpty != true) {
        'You have instantiated a HotReloader without providing any filesystem paths to watch.');

  bool sw(String s) {
    return Platform.executableArguments.any((ss) => ss.startsWith(s));

  if (!sw('--observe') && !sw('--enable-vm-service')) {
        'You have instantiated a HotReloader without passing `--enable-vm-service` or `--observe` to the Dart VM. Hot reloading will be disabled.');
    isHot = false;
  } else {
    var info = await dev.Service.getInfo();
    var uri = info.serverUri!;
    uri = uri.replace(path: p.join(uri.path, 'ws'));
    if (uri.scheme == 'https') {
      uri = uri.replace(scheme: 'wss');
    } else {
      uri = uri.replace(scheme: 'ws');
    _client = await vm.vmServiceConnectUri(uri.toString());
    _vmachine ??= await _client.getVM();
    _mainIsolate ??= _vmachine?.isolates?.first;

    if (_vmachine != null) {
      for (var isolate in _vmachine?.isolates ?? <vm.IsolateRef>[]) {
        var isolateId =;
        if (isolateId != null) {
          await _client.setIsolatePauseMode(isolateId,
              exceptionPauseMode: 'None');

    await _listenToFilesystem();
      //.transform( _Debounce( Duration(seconds: 1)))

  while (_requestQueue.isNotEmpty) {
    await _handle(_requestQueue.removeFirst());
  var server = _io = await HttpServer.bind(address, port);

  // Print a Flutter-like prompt...
  if (enableHotkeys) {
    var serverUri =
        Uri(scheme: 'http', host: server.address.address, port: server.port);

    Uri? observatoryUri;
    if (isHot) {
      observatoryUri = await dev.Service.getInfo().then((i) => i.serverUri);

        '\n🔥  To hot reload changes while running, press "r". To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".'));
    stdout.write('Your server is listening at: ');
    print(wrapWith('$serverUri', [cyan, styleUnderlined]));

    if (isHot) {
          'An Observatory debugger and profiler on ${Platform.operatingSystem} is available at: ');

      print(wrapWith('$observatoryUri', [cyan, styleUnderlined]));
    } else {
          'The observatory debugger and profiler are not available.\n');
        'For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".\n');

    if (_paths.isNotEmpty) {
          'Changes to the following path(s) will also trigger a hot reload:'));

      for (var p in _paths) {
        print(darkGray.wrap('  * $p'));


    // Listen for hotkeys
    try {
      stdin.lineMode = stdin.echoMode = false;
    } catch (_) {}

    late StreamSubscription<int> sub;

    try {
      sub = stdin.expand((l) => l).listen((ch) async {
        if (ch == $r) {
              WatchEvent(ChangeType.MODIFY, '[manual-reload]'), isHot);
        if (ch == $R) {
          _logInfo('Manually restarting server...\n');
          await _killServer();
          await _server?.close();
          var addr = _io.address.address;
          var port = _io.port;
          await _io.close(force: true);
          await startServer(addr, port);
        } else if (ch == $q) {
          stdin.echoMode = stdin.lineMode = true;
          await close();
          await sub.cancel();
        } else if (ch == $h) {
              'Press "r" to hot reload the Dart VM, and restart the active server.');
              'Press "R" to restart the server, WITHOUT a hot reload of the VM.');
          print('Press "q" to quit the server.');
          print('Press "h" to display this help information.');
    } catch (_) {}

  return server;