angel3_framework library
An easily-extensible web server framework in Dart.
- Angel
- A powerful real-time/REST/MVC server class.
- AngelEnvironment
Queries the environment's
value. -
Id, Data> - An easy helper class to create one-off services without having to create an entire class.
- AuditableModel
- Represents a generic data model with audit log feature.
T> - ConstantSegment
- Controller
- Supports grouping routes with shared functionality.
- CookieValue
- Shortcut for declaring a request cookie Parameter.
Request, Response, Server extends Stream< Request> , RequestContextType extends RequestContext, ResponseContextType extends ResponseContext> - Base driver class for Angel implementations.
- Expose
- Exposes a Controller or a Controller method to the Internet. Example:
- Header
- Shortcut for declaring a request header Parameter.
Id, Data, T extends Service< Id, Data> > - Wraps another service in a service that broadcasts events on actions.
Id, Data, T extends Service< Id, Data> > - Fired when a hooked service is invoked.
Id, Data, T extends Service< Id, Data> > - Can be listened to, but events may be canceled.
- Hooks
- Attaches hooks to a HookedService.
- HostnameRouter
- A utility that allows requests to be handled based on their origin's hostname.
- HostnameSyntaxParser
- Parses a string into a RegExp that is matched against hostnames.
- InjectionRequest
- Contains a list of the data required for a DI-enabled method to run.
- LockableBytesBuilder
- MapService
- A basic service that manages an in-memory list of maps.
- Middleware
- Annotation to map middleware onto a handler.
T> - A chain of arbitrary handlers obtained by routing a path.
T> - Iterates through a MiddlewarePipeline.
- Model
- Represents a generic data model with an ID and timestamps.
- NoExpose
- Specifies to NOT expose a method to the Internet.
- OptionalSegment
- Parameter
- Used to apply special dependency injections or functionality to a function parameter.
- ParameterSegment
- ParsedParameterSegment
- Providers
- Indicates how the service was accessed.
- Query
- Shortcut for declaring a request query Parameter.
RawRequest> -
A convenience wrapper around an incoming
. -
RawResponse> - A convenience wrapper around an outgoing HTTP request.
- Routable
- A routable server that can handle dynamic requests.
T> - Represents a virtual location within an application.
- RouteDefinition
- RouteGrammar
T> - An abstraction over complex Route trees. Use this instead of the raw API. :)
- RouteResult
- The result of matching an individual route.
- RouteSegment
T> - Represents a complex result of navigating to a path.
Id, Data> - A front-facing interface that can present data to and operate on data on behalf of the user.
- Session
- Shortcut for declaring a request session Parameter.
- SlashSegment
T> - Placeholder Route to serve as a symbolic link to a mounted Router.
- UploadedFile
- Reads information about a binary chunk uploaded to the server.
- WildcardSegment
- angelEnv → const AngelEnvironment
A constant instance of
. - noExpose → const NoExpose
Iterable< RequestHandler> handlers) → RequestHandler -
Sequentially runs a list of
of middleware, and returns early if any does not returntrue
. Works well with Router.chain. -
T> (Router< T> router) → Router<T> - Optimizes a router by condensing all its routes into one level.
Function handler, InjectionRequest injection, [Container? container]) → RequestHandler - Handles a request with a DI-enabled handler.
Function handler, {Iterable< String> optional = const []}) → RequestHandler - Shortcut for calling preInject, and then handleContained.
Function handler, Reflector reflector) → InjectionRequest - Predetermines what needs to be injected for a handler to run.
dynamic requirement, InjectionRequest injection, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, bool throwOnUnresolved, [Container? container]) → Future -
RequestContext req, ResponseContext res, InjectionRequest injection) → bool - Checks if an InjectionRequest can be sufficiently executed within the current request/response context.
= FutureOr<
void> Function(Angel app) - A function that configures an Angel server.
- AngelErrorHandler = dynamic Function(AngelHttpException e, RequestContext req, ResponseContext res)
- A function that handles error
Id, Data, T extends Service< Id, Data> > = FutureOr Function(HookedServiceEvent<Id, Data, T> event) - Triggered on a hooked service event.
- RequestHandler = FutureOr Function(RequestContext req, ResponseContext res)
- A function that receives an incoming RequestContext and responds to it.
= FutureOr<
String> Function(String path, [Map<String, dynamic> ? data]) - A function that asynchronously generates a view from the given path and data.
Exceptions / Errors
- AngelHttpException
- Exception class that can be serialized to JSON and serialized to clients. Carries HTTP-specific metadata, like statusCode.
- RoutingException
- Represents an error in route configuration or navigation.