renamePubspec function

Future renamePubspec(
  1. Directory dir,
  2. String oldName,
  3. String newName


Future renamePubspec(Directory dir, String oldName, String newName) async {
//  var pubspec = await loadPubspec(dir);
  print(cyan.wrap('Renaming your project to `$newName.`'));

  var pubspecFile = File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve('pubspec.yaml'));

  if (await pubspecFile.exists()) {
    var contents = await pubspecFile.readAsString(), oldContents = contents;
    contents =
        contents.replaceAll(RegExp('name:\\s*$oldName'), 'name: $newName');

    if (contents != oldContents) {
      await pubspecFile.writeAsString(contents);

//  print(cyan
//      .wrap('Note that this does not actually modify your `pubspec.yaml`.'));
// TODO:
//  var newPubspec =  Pubspec.fromJson(pubspec.toJson()..['name'] = newName);
//  await;