A new flutter plugin project.
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
Common Issue
- on some device or probably some custom rom, i can't enable accessibilty service for 3rd party app cuz it doesn't show up in accessibility service setting. Some workaround is to root the device or give WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission through adb.
- accessibilityservice/AccessibilityService
- android_native
- app/Activity
- app/AlertDialog
- app/Application
- app/KeyguardManager
- content/ComponentName
- content/ContentResolver
- content/Context
- content/Intent
- content/pm/ActivityInfo
- content/pm/ApplicationInfo
- content/pm/ComponentInfo
- content/pm/PackageInfo
- content/pm/PackageItemInfo
- content/pm/PackageManager
- content/pm/ResolveInfo
- database/ContentObserver
- Manifest
- media/AudioManager
- net/Uri
- os/Build
- os/Bundle
- os/PowerManager
- preference/PreferenceManager
- provider/Settings
- telephony/TelephonyManager
- text/TextUtils
- utils/Base64
- view/accessibility/AccessibilityEvent
- widget/Toast