getSupportedPreviewFpsRange method

Future<List<List<int>>> getSupportedPreviewFpsRange()

Gets the supported preview fps (frame-per-second) ranges.

Each range contains a minimum fps and maximum fps. If minimum fps equals to maximum fps, the camera outputs frames in fixed frame rate. If not, the camera outputs frames in auto frame rate. The actual frame rate fluctuates between the minimum and the maximum. The values are multiplied by 1000 and represented in integers. For example, if frame rate is 26.623 frames per second, the value is 26623.

This method returns a list with at least one element. Every element is an int list of two values - minimum fps and maximum fps. The list is sorted from small to large (first by maximum fps and then minimum fps).

See: previewFpsMinIndex previewFpsMaxIndex


Future<List<List<int>>> getSupportedPreviewFpsRange() async {
  final List<Object?> formats =
      await _channel.$getSupportedPreviewFpsRange(this) as List<Object?>;
  return formats.cast<List<int>>();