setAutoWhiteBalanceLock method

Future<void> setAutoWhiteBalanceLock({
  1. required bool toggle,

Sets the auto-white balance lock state.

Applications should check isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported before using this method.

If set to true, the camera auto-white balance routine will immediately pause until the lock is set to false.

If auto-white balance is already locked, setting this to true again has no effect (the driver will not recalculate white balance values).

Stopping preview with Camera.stopPreview, or triggering still image capture with Camera.takePicture, will not change the the lock.

Changing the white balance mode with setWhiteBalance will release the auto-white balance lock if it is set.

Exposure compensation, AE lock, and AWB lock can be used to capture an exposure-bracketed burst of images, for example. Auto-white balance state, including the lock state, will not be maintained after camera Camera.release is called. Locking auto-white balance after but before the first call to Camera.startPreview will not allow the auto-white balance routine to run at all, and may result in severely incorrect color in captured images.


Future<void> setAutoWhiteBalanceLock({required bool toggle}) {
  return _channel.$setAutoWhiteBalanceLock(this, toggle);