writeParameter abstract method

void writeParameter(
  1. String name, {
  2. bool isCovariant,
  3. bool isRequiredNamed,
  4. ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied,
  5. String? nameGroupName,
  6. DartType? type,
  7. String? typeGroupName,
  8. bool isRequiredType,

Write the code for a single parameter with the given name.

If a methodBeingCopied is provided, then type parameters defined by that method are assumed to be part of what is being written and hence valid types.

If a type is provided, then it will be used as the type of the parameter.

If a nameGroupName is provided, then the name of the parameter will be included in a linked edit.

If a type and typeGroupName are both provided, then the type of the parameter will be included in a linked edit.

If isCovariant is true then the keyword covariant will be included in the parameter declaration.

If isRequiredNamed is true then either the keyword required or the annotation @required will be included in the parameter declaration.

If isRequiredType is true then the type is always written.


void writeParameter(String name,
    {bool isCovariant,
    bool isRequiredNamed,
    ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied,
    String? nameGroupName,
    DartType? type,
    String? typeGroupName,
    bool isRequiredType});