DartEditBuilder class abstract

An EditBuilder used to build edits in Dart files.

Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.

Implemented types




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addLinkedEdit(String groupName, void buildLinkedEdit(DartLinkedEditBuilder builder)) → void
Add a region of text that is part of the linked edit group with the given groupName. The buildLinkedEdit function is used to write the content of the region of text and to add suggestions for other possible values for that region.
addSimpleLinkedEdit(String groupName, String text, {LinkedEditSuggestionKind kind, List<String> suggestions}) → void
Add the given text as a linked edit group with the given groupName. If both a kind and a list of suggestions are provided, they will be added as suggestions to the group with the given kind.
canWriteType(DartType? type, {ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied}) bool
Check if the code for a type annotation for the given type can be written.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
selectAll(void writer()) → void
Set the selection to cover all of the code written by the given writer.
selectHere() → void
Set the selection to the current location within the edit being built.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
write(String string) → void
Add the given string to the content of the current edit.
writeClassDeclaration(String name, {Iterable<DartType>? interfaces, bool isAbstract = false, void membersWriter()?, Iterable<DartType>? mixins, String? nameGroupName, DartType? superclass, String? superclassGroupName}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a class with the given name. If a list of interfaces is provided, then the class will implement those interfaces. If isAbstract is true, then the class will be abstract. If a membersWriter is provided, then it will be invoked to allow members to be generated. If a list of mixins is provided, then the class will mix in those classes. If a nameGroupName is provided, then the name of the class will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a superclass is given then it will be the superclass of the class. (If a list of mixins is provided but no superclass is given then the class will extend Object.)
writeConstructorDeclaration(String className, {ArgumentList? argumentList, void bodyWriter()?, String? classNameGroupName, String? constructorName, String? constructorNameGroupName, List<String>? fieldNames, void initializerWriter()?, bool isConst = false, void parameterWriter()?}) → void
Write the code for a constructor declaration in the class with the given className. If isConst is true, then the constructor will be marked as being a const constructor. If a constructorName is provided, then the constructor will have the given name. If both a constructor name and a constructorNameGroupName is provided, then the name of the constructor will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a parameterWriter is provided then it is used to write the constructor parameters (enclosing parenthesis are written for you). Otherwise, if an argumentList is provided then the constructor will have parameters that match the given arguments. If no argument list is given, but a list of fieldNames is provided, then field formal parameters will be created for each of the field names. If an initializerWriter is provided then it is used to write the constructor initializers (the : prefix is written for you). If a bodyWriter is provided then it is used to write the constructor body, otherwise an empty body is written.
writeFieldDeclaration(String name, {void initializerWriter()?, bool isConst = false, bool isFinal = false, bool isStatic = false, String? nameGroupName, DartType? type, String? typeGroupName}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a field with the given name. If an initializerWriter is provided, it will be invoked to write the content of the initializer. (The equal sign separating the field name from the initializer expression will automatically be written.) If isConst is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the const keyword. If isFinal is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the final keyword. (If both isConst and isFinal are true, then only the const keyword will be written.) If isStatic is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the static keyword. If a nameGroupName is provided, the name of the field will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a type is provided, then it will be used as the type of the field. (The keyword var will be provided automatically when required.) If a typeGroupName is provided, then if a type was written it will be in the linked edit group with that name.
writeFunctionDeclaration(String name, {void bodyWriter()?, bool isStatic = false, String? nameGroupName, void parameterWriter()?, DartType? returnType, String? returnTypeGroupName}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a function with the given name. If a bodyWriter is provided, it will be invoked to write the body of the function. (The space between the name and the body will automatically be written.) If isStatic is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the static keyword. If a nameGroupName is provided, the name of the function will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a returnType is provided, then it will be used as the return type of the function. If a returnTypeGroupName is provided, then if a return type was written it will be in the linked edit group with that name. If a parameterWriter is provided, then it will be invoked to write the declarations of the parameters to the function. (The parentheses around the parameters will automatically be written.)
writeGetterDeclaration(String name, {void bodyWriter(), bool isStatic = false, String nameGroupName, DartType returnType, String returnTypeGroupName}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a getter with the given name. If a bodyWriter is provided, it will be invoked to write the body of the getter. (The space between the name and the body will automatically be written.) If isStatic is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the static keyword. If a nameGroupName is provided, the name of the getter will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a returnType is provided, then it will be used as the return type of the getter. If a returnTypeGroupName is provided, then if a return type was written it will be in the linked edit group with that name.
writeImportedName(List<Uri> uris, String name) → void
Write the given name, possibly with a prefix, assuming that the name can be imported from any of the given uris.
writeln([String string]) → void
Add the given string to the content of the current edit and then add an end-of-line marker.
writeLocalVariableDeclaration(String name, {void initializerWriter()?, bool isConst = false, bool isFinal = false, String? nameGroupName, DartType? type, String? typeGroupName}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a local variable with the given name. If an initializerWriter is provided, it will be invoked to write the content of the initializer. (The equal sign separating the variable name from the initializer expression will automatically be written.) If isConst is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the const keyword. If isFinal is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the final keyword. (If both isConst and isFinal are true, then only the const keyword will be written.) If a nameGroupName is provided, the name of the variable will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a type is provided, then it will be used as the type of the variable. (The keyword var will be provided automatically when required.) If a typeGroupName is provided, then if a type was written it will be in the linked edit group with that name.
writeMixinDeclaration(String name, {Iterable<DartType>? interfaces, void membersWriter()?, String? nameGroupName, Iterable<DartType>? superclassConstraints}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a mixin with the given name. If a list of interfaces is provided, then the mixin will implement those interfaces. If a membersWriter is provided, then it will be invoked to allow members to be generated. If a nameGroupName is provided, then the name of the class will be included in the linked edit group with that name.
writeOverride(ExecutableElement element, {StringBuffer? displayTextBuffer, bool invokeSuper = false}) → void
Append a placeholder for an override of the specified inherited element. If provided, write a string value suitable for display (e.g., in a completion popup) in the given displayTextBuffer. If invokeSuper is true, then the corresponding super.name() will be added in the body.
writeParameter(String name, {bool isCovariant, bool isRequiredNamed, ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied, String? nameGroupName, DartType? type, String? typeGroupName, bool isRequiredType}) → void
Write the code for a single parameter with the given name.
writeParameterMatchingArgument(Expression argument, int index, Set<String> usedNames) → void
Write the code for a parameter that would match the given argument. The name of the parameter will be generated based on the type of the argument, but if the argument type is not known the index will be used to compose a name. In any case, the set of usedNames will be used to ensure that the name is unique (and the chosen name will be added to the set).
writeParameters(Iterable<ParameterElement> parameters, {ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied, bool requiredTypes}) → void
Write the code for a list of parameters, including the surrounding parentheses.
writeParametersMatchingArguments(ArgumentList arguments) → void
Write the code for a list of parameters that would match the given list of arguments. The surrounding parentheses are not written.
writeReference(Element element) → void
Write the code that references the element. If the element is a top-level element that has not been imported into the current library, imports will be updated.
writeSetterDeclaration(String name, {void bodyWriter()?, bool isStatic = false, String? nameGroupName, DartType? parameterType, String? parameterTypeGroupName}) → void
Write the code for a declaration of a setter with the given name. If a bodyWriter is provided, it will be invoked to write the body of the setter. (The space between the name and the body will automatically be written.) If isStatic is true, then the declaration will be preceded by the static keyword. If a nameGroupName is provided, the name of the getter will be included in the linked edit group with that name. If a parameterType is provided, then it will be used as the type of the parameter. If a parameterTypeGroupName is provided, then if a parameter type was written it will be in the linked edit group with that name.
writeType(DartType? type, {bool addSupertypeProposals = false, String? groupName, ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied, bool required = false}) bool
Write the code for a type annotation for the given type. If the type is either null or represents the type 'dynamic', then the behavior depends on whether a type is required. If required is true, then 'var' will be written; otherwise, nothing is written.
writeTypeParameter(TypeParameterElement typeParameter, {ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied}) → void
Write the code to declare the given typeParameter. The enclosing angle brackets are not automatically written.
writeTypeParameters(List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters, {ExecutableElement? methodBeingCopied}) → void
Write the code to declare the given list of typeParameters. The enclosing angle brackets are automatically written.
writeTypes(Iterable<DartType>? types, {String? prefix}) → void
Write the code for a comma-separated list of types, optionally prefixed by a prefix. If the list of types is null or does not contain any types, then nothing will be written.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.