lookUpSetter3 abstract method

SetterElement? lookUpSetter3(
  1. String name,
  2. LibraryElement2 library, {
  3. bool concrete = false,
  4. bool inherited = false,
  5. bool recoveryStatic = false,

Return the setter with the given name.

If concrete is true, then the concrete implementation is returned, from this type, or its superclass.

If inherited is true, then only setters from the superclass are considered.

If recoveryStatic is true, then static setters of the class, and its superclasses are considered. Clients should not use it.


SetterElement? lookUpSetter3(
  String name,
  LibraryElement2 library, {
  bool concrete = false,
  bool inherited = false,
  bool recoveryStatic = false,