name2 property

  1. @override
String get name2

The name of the fragment.

Never empty.

If a fragment, e.g. an ExtensionFragment, does not have a name, then the name is null.

For an unnamed ConstructorFragment the name is new, but nameOffset2 is null. If there is an explicit, the name is also new, and nameOffset2 is not null. For a synthetic default unnamed ConstructorElement2 there is always a synthetic ConstructorFragment with the name new, and nameOffset2 is null.

If the fragment declaration node does not have the name specified, and the parser inserted a synthetic token, then the name is null, and nameOffset2 is null.

For a synthetic GetterFragment or SetterFragment the name is the name of the corresponding non-synthetic PropertyInducingFragment, which is usually not null, but could be. And nameOffset2 is null for such synthetic fragments.

For a SetterFragment this is the identifier, without = at the end.

For both unary and binary - operator this is -.


String get name2;