TypeProvider class abstract

The interface TypeProvider defines the behavior of objects that provide access to types defined by the language.

Clients may not extend, implement or mix-in this class.




boolElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class bool.
no setter
boolType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type bool.
no setter
bottomType DartType
Return the type representing the type bottom.
no setter
deprecatedType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Deprecated.
no setter
doubleElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class double.
no setter
doubleType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type double.
no setter
dynamicType DartType
Return the type representing the built-in type dynamic.
no setter
enumElement ClassElement?
Return the element representing the built-in type Enum, or null if the SDK does not have definition of Enum.
no setter
enumType InterfaceType?
Return the type representing the built-in type Enum, or null if the SDK does not have definition of Enum.
no setter
functionType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Function.
no setter
futureDynamicType InterfaceType
Return the type representing Future<dynamic>.
no setter
futureElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Future.
no setter
futureNullType InterfaceType
Return the type representing Future<Null>.
no setter
futureOrElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class FutureOr.
no setter
futureOrNullType InterfaceType
Return the type representing FutureOr<Null>.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
intElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class int.
no setter
intType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type int.
no setter
iterableDynamicType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the type Iterable<dynamic>.
no setter
iterableElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Iterable.
no setter
iterableObjectType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the type Iterable<Object>.
no setter
listElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class List.
no setter
mapElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Map.
no setter
mapObjectObjectType InterfaceType
Return the type representing Map<Object, Object>.
no setter
neverType NeverType
Return the type representing the built-in type Never.
no setter
nullElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Null.
no setter
nullType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Null.
no setter
numElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class num.
no setter
numType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type num.
no setter
objectType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Object.
no setter
recordElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Record.
no setter
recordType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Record.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
setElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Set.
no setter
stackTraceType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type StackTrace.
no setter
streamDynamicType InterfaceType
Return the type representing Stream<dynamic>.
no setter
streamElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Stream.
no setter
stringElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class String.
no setter
stringType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type String.
no setter
symbolElement ClassElement
Return the element representing the built-in class Symbol.
no setter
symbolType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Symbol.
no setter
typeType InterfaceType
Return the type representing the built-in type Type.
no setter
voidType VoidType
Return the type representing the built-in type void.
no setter


futureOrType(DartType valueType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class FutureOr with the given valueType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
futureType(DartType valueType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class Future with the given valueType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
isNonSubtypableClass(InterfaceElement element) bool
Return true if element cannot be extended, implemented, or mixed in.
isObjectGetter(String id) bool
Return 'true' if id is the name of a getter on the Object type.
isObjectMember(String id) bool
Return 'true' if id is the name of a method or getter on the Object type.
isObjectMethod(String id) bool
Return 'true' if id is the name of a method on the Object type.
iterableType(DartType elementType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class Iterable with the given elementType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
listType(DartType elementType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class List with the given elementType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
mapType(DartType keyType, DartType valueType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class List with the given keyType and valueType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setType(DartType elementType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class Set with the given elementType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
streamType(DartType elementType) InterfaceType
Return the instantiation of the built-in class Stream with the given elementType. The type has the nullability suffix of this provider.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.