deleteFolder method
Delete the folder with the given path and recursively delete nested files and folders.
void deleteFolder(String path) {
var data = _pathToData[path];
if (data is! _FolderData) {
throw FileSystemException(path, 'Not a folder.');
for (var childName in data.childNames.toList()) {
var childPath = pathContext.join(path, childName);
var child = getResource(childPath);
if (child is File) {
} else if (child is Folder) {
} else {
throw 'failed to delete resource: $child';
if (_pathToData[path] != data) {
throw StateError('Unexpected concurrent modification: $path');
if (data.childNames.isNotEmpty) {
throw StateError('Must be empty.');
_notifyWatchers(path, ChangeType.REMOVE);