dart/analysis/results library
- AnalysisResult
- The result of performing some kind of analysis on a single file. Every result that implements this interface will also implement a sub-interface.
- AnalysisResultWithErrors
- An analysis result that includes the errors computed during analysis.
- CannotResolveUriResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when the given URI cannot be resolved.
- ElementDeclarationResult
- The declaration of an Element.
- ErrorsResult
- The result of computing all of the errors contained in a single file, both syntactic and semantic.
- FileResult
- The result of computing some cheap information for a single file, when full parsed file is not required, so ParsedUnitResult is not necessary.
- InvalidPathResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when the given file path is invalid, for example is not absolute and normalized.
- InvalidResult
- The base class for any invalid result.
- LibraryElementResult
- The result of building the element model for a library.
- NotElementOfThisSessionResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when the given element was not created by the requested session.
- NotLibraryButPartResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when the given file is not a library, but a part of a library.
- NotPathOfUriResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when the given file path does not represent the corresponding URI.
- ParsedLibraryResult
- The result of building parsed AST(s) for the whole library.
- ParsedUnitResult
- The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only those discovered during scanning and parsing.
- ParseStringResult
- The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only those discovered during scanning and parsing.
- ResolvedLibraryResult
- The result of building resolved AST(s) for the whole library.
- ResolvedUnitResult
- The result of building a resolved AST for a single file. The errors returned include both syntactic and semantic errors.
- SomeErrorsResult
- The result of computing all of the errors contained in a single file, both syntactic and semantic.
- SomeFileResult
- The result of computing some cheap information for a single file, when full parsed file is not required, so ParsedUnitResult is not necessary.
- SomeLibraryElementResult
- The result of building the element model for a library.
- SomeParsedLibraryResult
- The result of building parsed AST(s) for the whole library.
- SomeParsedUnitResult
- The result of parsing of a single file. The errors returned include only those discovered during scanning and parsing.
- SomeResolvedLibraryResult
- The result of building resolved AST(s) for the whole library.
- SomeResolvedUnitResult
- The result of building a resolved AST for a single file. The errors returned include both syntactic and semantic errors.
- SomeUnitElementResult
- The result of building the element model for a single file.
- UnitElementResult
- The result of building the element model for a single file.
- UnspecifiedInvalidResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when something is wrong, but we don't know what exactly. Usually this result should not happen.
- UriOfExternalLibraryResult
- The type of InvalidResult returned when the given URI corresponds to a library that is served from an external summary bundle.