reportErrorForName method

void reportErrorForName(
  1. ErrorCode code,
  2. ConstructorDeclaration constructor, {
  3. List<Object>? arguments,

Report a diagnostic with the given code and arguments. The location of the diagnostic will be the name of the constructor.


void reportErrorForName(ErrorCode code, ConstructorDeclaration constructor,
    {List<Object>? arguments}) {
  // TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider extending this method to take any
  //  declaration and compute the correct range for the name of that
  //  declaration. This might make it easier to be consistent.
  if ( != null) {
    var offset = constructor.returnType.offset;
        code, offset,!.end - offset, arguments);
  } else {
    reportErrorForNode(code, constructor.returnType, arguments);