
analytics_logger_gen is a code generator that generates analytics events for tools like FirebaseAnalytics. Import events from Google Spreadsheets, remote repositories or local CSV files.

Running the generator

dart pub run build_runner build
Other useful commands
dart pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
# if you want to delete the generated files before building

dart pub run build_runner clean
# if generated files are not updated after modifying the CSV file

Calling the generated code

You can call the generated code from anywhere in your project with Future type methods.

await EventProvider.setup();

EventProvider.appStarted(title: 'Hello', message: 'world');

Annotation based code generation

The builders generate code when they find members annotated with @AnalyticsLogger.

import 'package:analytics_logger_gen/analytics_logger_gen.dart';

// Building creates the corresponding part 'analytics_logger.g.dart'
part 'analytics_logger.g.dart';

    // ex) (from project root)assets/logger_gen_example_sheet.csv
    localCsvPath: '<PATH-TO-CSV-FILE>',
    // When you declare the localCsvPath, the remoteCsvUrl is ignored.
    remoteCsvUrl: '<URL-TO-CSV-FILE>',
    loggers: <Type, String>{
      // The key of the map is the Type of the class that implements the [EventLogger] interface.
      // Matching <CSV-COLUMN-NAME> in @AnalyticsLogger with CSV column determines which analytics tool to call for generated events.
      FirebaseAnalyticsLogger: '<CSV-COLUMN-NAME>',
// The class should be declared private '_' to avoid conflicts with the generated class
// ignore: unused_element
class _EventLoggerContainer {}

// You can declare any number of loggers for third-party analytics tools.
class FirebaseAnalyticsLogger extends EventLogger {

  final FirebaseAnalytics _analytics = FirebaseAnalytics.instance;

  Future<void> setup() async {
    await Firebase.initializeApp();

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) async {
    switch (EventType.fromName(event)) {
      case EventType.setUserId:
        await _analytics.setUserId(
            id: attributes.values.first?.value.toString());
      case EventType.setUserInfo:
        for (final entry in attributes.entries) {
          await _analytics.setUserProperty(
            name: entry.key,
            value: entry.value,
        await _analytics.logEvent(name: event, parameters: attributes);


Calling the generated code


EventProvider.buttonClicked(abTestCase: 'A');

EventProvider.purchase(productId: 'product-id', price: 100, currency: 'USD', quantity: 1);

CSV file

  • The indices of the event_name and arguments columns cannot be modified; they are fixed at column indices 0 and 1, respectively. (You can change their names, but not their indices.)
  • You can add any number of columns to the right of the arguments column.
  • Matching columns in the 'loggers' Map property value of @AnalyticsLogger determine which analytics tool to call for generated events.
  • Use TRUE/1 to enable logger, FALSE/0/ to disable.
event_name arguments isFirebaseEnabled isAppsFlyerEnabled isAmplitudeEnabled isMixpanelEnabled isSingularEnabled isDatadogEnabled description
app_started title, message TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
home_page_entered ab_test_case TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
button_clicked ab_test_case TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
select_contents content_type, item_id TRUE
send_message title, message TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE
set_user_id id TRUE
set_user_info age, gender TRUE
purchase productId, price, currency, quantity TRUE

download example csv file

Prerequisites for running the code generation

Local CSV file

import 'package:analytics_logger_gen/analytics_logger_gen.dart';

import '../event_logger_impls/event_loggers.dart';

part 'logger_from_local_file.g.dart';

    localCsvPath: 'assets/logger_gen_example_v3.csv',
    loggers: {
      FirebaseAnalyticsLogger: 'isFirebaseEnabled',
      AppsFlyerLogger: 'isAppsFlyerEnabled',
      AmplitudeLogger: 'isAmplitudeEnabled',
      MixpanelLogger: 'isMixpanelEnabled',
      SingularLogger: 'isSingularEnabled',
      DatadogDebugLogger: 'isDatadogEnabled',
    providerName: 'EventProvider',
    eventTypeName: 'EventType')
// ignore: unused_element
class _EventLoggerContainer {}

Remote CSV file

import 'package:analytics_logger_gen/analytics_logger_gen.dart';

import '../event_logger_impls/event_loggers.dart';

part 'logger_from_google_spread_sheet.g.dart';

    loggers: {
      FirebaseAnalyticsLogger: 'isFirebaseEnabled',
      AppsFlyerLogger: 'isAppsFlyerEnabled',
      AmplitudeLogger: 'isAmplitudeEnabled',
      MixpanelLogger: 'isMixpanelEnabled',
      SingularLogger: 'isSingularEnabled',
      DatadogDebugLogger: 'isDatadogEnabled',
    providerName: 'EventProvider',
    eventTypeName: 'EventType')
// ignore: unused_element
class _EventLoggerContainer {}

class FirebaseAnalyticsLogger extends EventLogger {

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) async {
    // Do something with the event and attributes

class AppsFlyerLogger extends EventLogger {

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) async {
    // Do something with the event and attributes

class AmplitudeLogger extends EventLogger {

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) {
    // Do something with the event and attributes

class MixpanelLogger extends EventLogger {

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) async {
    // Do something with the event and attributes

class SingularLogger extends EventLogger {

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) async {
    // Do something with the event and attributes

class DatadogDebugLogger extends EventLogger {

  Future<void> logEvent(String event,
      {required Map<String, dynamic> attributes}) async {
    // Do something with the event and attributes

The generated code


part of 'main.dart';

// **************************************************************************
// AnalyticsLoggerGenerator
// **************************************************************************

enum EventType {
  appStarted('app_started', true, true, true, true, true, true),
  homePageEntered('home_page_entered', true, true, true, true, false, true),
  appEnded('app_ended', true, true, true, true, true, false),
  buttonClicked('button_clicked', true, true, true, true, true, true),
  selectContents('select_contents', true, false, false, false, false, false),
  sendMessage('send_message', false, true, true, true, false, true),
  countIncreased('countIncreased', true, true, true, true, true, true),
  bannerClicked('banner_clicked', true, true, true, true, true, true),
  setUserId('set_user_id', true, false, false, false, false, false),
  setUserInfo('set_user_info', true, false, false, false, false, false),
  purchase('purchase', true, false, false, false, false, false);

  const EventType(,
  final String name;
  final bool isFirebaseEnabled;
  final bool isAppsFlyerEnabled;
  final bool isAmplitudeEnabled;
  final bool isMixpanelEnabled;
  final bool isSingularEnabled;
  final bool isDatadogEnabled;

  static EventType fromName(String name) {
    switch (name) {
      case 'app_started':
        return EventType.appStarted;
      case 'home_page_entered':
        return EventType.homePageEntered;
      case 'app_ended':
        return EventType.appEnded;
      case 'button_clicked':
        return EventType.buttonClicked;
      case 'select_contents':
        return EventType.selectContents;
      case 'send_message':
        return EventType.sendMessage;
      case 'countIncreased':
        return EventType.countIncreased;
      case 'banner_clicked':
        return EventType.bannerClicked;
      case 'set_user_id':
        return EventType.setUserId;
      case 'set_user_info':
        return EventType.setUserInfo;
      case 'purchase':
        return EventType.purchase;
        throw ArgumentError('Invalid name: $name');

class EventProvider {

  static Future<void> appStarted({dynamic title, dynamic message}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'title': title,
      'message': message,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.appStarted, attributes);

  static Future<void> homePageEntered({dynamic abTestCase}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'abTestCase': abTestCase,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.homePageEntered, attributes);

  static Future<void> appEnded() async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{};
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.appEnded, attributes);

  static Future<void> buttonClicked({dynamic abTestCase}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'abTestCase': abTestCase,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.buttonClicked, attributes);

  static Future<void> selectContents(
      {dynamic contentType, dynamic itemId}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'contentType': contentType,
      'itemId': itemId,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.selectContents, attributes);

  static Future<void> sendMessage({dynamic title, dynamic message}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'title': title,
      'message': message,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.sendMessage, attributes);

  static Future<void> countIncreased({dynamic count}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'count': count,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.countIncreased, attributes);

  static Future<void> bannerClicked() async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{};
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.bannerClicked, attributes);

  static Future<void> setUserId({dynamic id}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'id': id,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.setUserId, attributes);

  static Future<void> setUserInfo({dynamic age, dynamic gender}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'age': age,
      'gender': gender,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.setUserInfo, attributes);

  static Future<void> purchase(
      {dynamic productId,
        dynamic price,
        dynamic currency,
        dynamic quantity}) async {
    Map<String, dynamic> attributes = <String, dynamic>{
      'productId': productId,
      'price': price,
      'currency': currency,
      'quantity': quantity,
    await EventLoggerContainer.logEvent(EventType.purchase, attributes);

class EventLoggerContainer {
  static FirebaseAnalyticsLogger firebaseAnalyticsLogger =
  static AppsFlyerLogger appsFlyerLogger = AppsFlyerLogger();
  static AmplitudeLogger amplitudeLogger = AmplitudeLogger();
  static MixpanelLogger mixpanelLogger = MixpanelLogger();
  static SingularLogger singularLogger = SingularLogger();
  static DatadogDebugLogger datadogDebugLogger = DatadogDebugLogger();

  static Future<void> setup() async {
    await firebaseAnalyticsLogger.setup();
    await appsFlyerLogger.setup();
    await amplitudeLogger.setup();
    await mixpanelLogger.setup();
    await singularLogger.setup();
    await datadogDebugLogger.setup();

  static Future<void> logEvent(
      EventType event, Map<String, dynamic> attributes) async {
    if (event.isFirebaseEnabled) {
      await firebaseAnalyticsLogger.logEvent(,
          attributes: attributes);
    if (event.isAppsFlyerEnabled) {
      await appsFlyerLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
    if (event.isAmplitudeEnabled) {
      await amplitudeLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
    if (event.isMixpanelEnabled) {
      await mixpanelLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
    if (event.isSingularEnabled) {
      await singularLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);
    if (event.isDatadogEnabled) {
      await datadogDebugLogger.logEvent(, attributes: attributes);