getSuggestionDetails method

Future<SuggestionDetailsResult> getSuggestionDetails(
  1. String? file,
  2. int? id,
  3. String? label,
  4. int? offset,

Clients must make this request when the user has selected a completion suggestion from an AvailableSuggestionSet. Analysis server will respond with the text to insert as well as any SourceChange that needs to be applied in case the completion requires an additional import to be added. It is an error if the id is no longer valid, for instance if the library has been removed after the completion suggestion is accepted.


Future<SuggestionDetailsResult> getSuggestionDetails(
    String? file, int? id, String? label, int? offset) {
  final Map m = {'file': file, 'id': id, 'label': label, 'offset': offset};
  return _call('completion.getSuggestionDetails', m)