solve method

List<String?> solve(
  1. String word

Solve the anagram Returns a list of anagrams or an empty list if none were found.


List<String?> solve(String word) {
  if (!_initialised) {
    _log('Please initialise the library');
    return <String>[];
  _log('Solving for $word, building word list');
  // Build the candidate word list
  _wordList = _buildWordList();
  if (_wordList.isEmpty) {
    print('No suitable words.');
    return <String>[];
  // Sort it
  _wordList = _sort();
  // Search for anagrams
  _log('Searching for anagrams...');
  _findAnagrams(0, _wordList.last, _nLetters);
  return _anagramsFound.toSet().toList();