lerp static method

  • Linearly interpolate between two AnaglyphStyleDatas.

  • a and b are the AnaglyphStyleData instances that you want to interpolate between.

  • The t argument represents the position on the timeline.

  • depth is the only value that is currently being interpolated accurately.


static AnaglyphStyleData lerp(
  AnaglyphStyleData a,
  AnaglyphStyleData b,
  double t,
) {
  return AnaglyphStyleData(
    clipOuters: t < 0.5 ? a.clipOuters : b.clipOuters,
    depth: Tween<double>(
      begin: a.depth,
      end: b.depth,
    filterQuality: t < 0.5 ? a.filterQuality : b.filterQuality,
    stereoPairStyle: b.stereoPairStyle,