A loggy
extensions package.
- Logs inspector
- Dio integrations
- Navigation logging
- Bloc log observer
Getting started
You can use this package with loggy
package. Add loggy
and anadea_flutter_loggy
dependencies to your project.
For inspector overlay simply add inspector wrapper to the app builder.
class ExampleApp extends StatelessWidget {
const ExampleApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
builder: (context, child) => Inspector(
child: child!,
Dio integration
For dio logging add LogInterceptor
to the dio instanse.
final dio = Dio()..interceptors.add(LogInterceptor());
Navigator integration
Add LogNavigatorObserver
to the navigator.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
navigatorObservers: [LogNavigatorObserver()], // This line
builder: (context, child) => Inspector(
child: child!,
Bloc integration
Add LogBlocObserver
for zone.
void main() {
() async {
logPrinter: StreamPrinter(const PrettyPrinter()),
blocObserver: LogBlocObserver(),
Custom actions
You can add additional Inspector functionality by adding custom actions.
Basically, this is just the AppBar.actions
builder: (context, child) => Inspector(
customRecordBuilders: {
TestLogModel: (context, record) => Text(record.object.toString())
isShow: true,
actions: [
onPressed: () => ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(
const SnackBar(content: Text("Custom action pressed")),
icon: const Icon(Icons.favorite),
child: child!,