AuthCategory class Auth

The Amplify Auth category provides an interface for authenticating a user.

Behind the scenes, it provides the necessary authorization to the other Amplify categories. It comes with default, built-in support for Amazon Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool.

The Amplify CLI helps you to create and configure the auth category with an authentication provider.





category Category
no setteroverride
categoryDependencies Set<Category>
The categories this category depends on.
no setteroverride
defaultPlugin → AuthPluginInterface
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
plugins List<AuthPluginInterface>
The plugins registered for this category.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addPlugin(AuthPluginInterface plugin, {required AmplifyAuthProviderRepository authProviderRepo}) Future<void>
Adds a plugin to the category.
confirmResetPassword({required String username, required String newPassword, required String confirmationCode, ConfirmResetPasswordOptions? options}) Future<ResetPasswordResult>
Completes the password reset process given a username, new password, and the confirmation code which was sent calling resetPassword.
confirmSignIn({required String confirmationValue, ConfirmSignInOptions? options}) Future<SignInResult>
Confirm the current sign in with the confirmationValue provided by the user.
confirmSignUp({required String username, required String confirmationCode, ConfirmSignUpOptions? options}) Future<SignUpResult>
Confirm the current sign up for username with the confirmationCode provided by the user.
confirmUserAttribute({required AuthUserAttributeKey userAttributeKey, required String confirmationCode, ConfirmUserAttributeOptions? options}) Future<ConfirmUserAttributeResult>
Confirms a user attribute update initiated with either updateUserAttribute or updateUserAttributes.
deleteUser() Future<void>
Deletes the current authenticated user.
fetchAuthSession({FetchAuthSessionOptions? options}) Future<AuthSession>
Fetch the current auth session.
fetchDevices() Future<List<AuthDevice>>
Retrieves all tracked devices for the current user.
fetchUserAttributes({FetchUserAttributesOptions? options}) Future<List<AuthUserAttribute>>
Fetch all user attributes associated with the current user.
forgetDevice([AuthDevice? device]) Future<void>
Forgets the current device.
getCurrentUser({GetCurrentUserOptions? options}) Future<AuthUser>
Retrieves the current active user.
getPlugin<Plugin extends AuthPluginInterface>(AuthPluginKey<Plugin> pluginKey) → Plugin
Gets the registered plugin of type Plugin as provided by a pluginKey, e.g.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
rememberDevice() Future<void>
Remembers the current device.
resendSignUpCode({required String username, ResendSignUpCodeOptions? options}) Future<ResendSignUpCodeResult>
Resends the code that is used to confirm the user's account after sign up.
reset() Future<void>
Resets the category, clearing all registered plugins.
resetPassword({required String username, ResetPasswordOptions? options}) Future<ResetPasswordResult>
Initiates a password reset for the user with the given username.
sendUserAttributeVerificationCode({required AuthUserAttributeKey userAttributeKey, SendUserAttributeVerificationCodeOptions? options}) Future<SendUserAttributeVerificationCodeResult>
Sends a confirmation code for the existing value for the given userAttributeKey.
setUpTotp({TotpSetupOptions? options}) Future<TotpSetupDetails>
Initiates setup of a time-based one-time passcode (TOTP) MFA method for the current user.
signIn({required String username, String? password, SignInOptions? options}) Future<SignInResult>
Initiate sign in for user with username and optional password.
signInWithWebUI({AuthProvider? provider, SignInWithWebUIOptions? options}) Future<SignInResult>
Initiate sign in for a web-based flow, e.g. a social provider like Facebook, Google, or Apple.
signOut({SignOutOptions? options}) Future<SignOutResult>
Sign the user out of the current device.
signUp({required String username, required String password, SignUpOptions? options}) Future<SignUpResult>
Create a new user with the given username and password.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updatePassword({required String oldPassword, required String newPassword, UpdatePasswordOptions? options}) Future<UpdatePasswordResult>
Update the password of the current user.
updateUserAttribute({required AuthUserAttributeKey userAttributeKey, required String value, UpdateUserAttributeOptions? options}) Future<UpdateUserAttributeResult>
Updates a single user attribute.
updateUserAttributes({required List<AuthUserAttribute> attributes, UpdateUserAttributesOptions? options}) Future<Map<AuthUserAttributeKey, UpdateUserAttributeResult>>
Updates multiple user attributes at once.
verifyTotpSetup(String totpCode, {VerifyTotpSetupOptions? options}) Future<void>
Completes setup of a TOTP MFA application.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.