amplify_flutter library
P extends AmplifyPluginInterface> - Base functionality for Amplify categories.
- AmplifyClass
- Amplify singleton class.
- AmplifyConfig
- The configuration for Amplify libraries.
- AmplifyExceptionMessages
- Commonly used cross-category error messages.
- AmplifyPluginConfig
- Plugins must implement this class before they can be registered with AmplifyPluginRegistry.
T extends AmplifyPluginConfig> -
A class for building plugins of type
. - AmplifyPluginConfigMap
- A map of Amplify Plugin names to their typed representations.
- AmplifyPluginInterface
- Interface for all amplify plugins
- AmplifyPluginRegistry
- A registry for AmplifyPluginConfig types. Used for serializing and deserializing plugin configurations.
- AnalyticsCategory
- AnalyticsConfig
- The Analytics category configuration.
- AnalyticsEvent
- AnalyticsPluginInterface
- AnalyticsProperties
- AnalyticsUserProfile
- AnalyticsUserProfileLocation
- APIAuthProvider
- Handles the retrieval of authentication tokens for third-party providers.
- APICategory
- ApiConfig
- The API category configuration.
- APIPluginInterface
- AuthCategory
- Interface for Auth category. This expose all the APIs that are supported by this category's plugins. This class will accept plugins to be registered and configured and then subsequent API calls will be forwarded to those plugins.
- AuthCodeDeliveryDetails
- AuthConfig
- The Auth category configuration.
- AuthDevice
- Common interface for devices tracked by an authentication provider.
- AuthHubEvent
- AuthNextSignInStep
- AuthNextSignUpStep
- AuthNextStep
- AuthNextUpdateAttributeStep
- This wraps all the details around the next step in the user attribute update process.
- AuthPluginInterface
- AuthProvider
- AuthRule
- AuthSession
- AuthSessionOptions
- AuthSessionRequest
- AuthUser
- AuthUserAttribute
- AuthUserOptions
- AuthUserRequest
- AWSApiConfig
- AWSApiPluginConfig
- The AWS API plugin configuration.
- AWSBaseHttpRequest
- A parameterized HTTP request.
- AWSBaseHttpResponse
- A parameterized HTTP response.
T extends AWSSerializable> - A map of AWS configuration names to their typed representations.
- AWSHeaders
- Headers used in AWS requests.
- AWSHttpRequest
- A parameterized HTTP request.
- AWSHttpResponse
- A parameterized HTTP response.
- AWSService
- AWS services and related metadata.
- AWSStreamedHttpRequest
- A streaming HTTP request.
- AWSStreamedHttpResponse
- A streaming HTTP response.
- BeginsWithQueryOperator
T extends Comparable> -
V> -
Creates a case-insensitive Map using
for comparison. - CaseInsensitiveSet
Creates a case-insensitive Set using
for comparison. - Closeable
- Interface for objects which need cleanup before GC, usually to prevent memory leaks.
- CognitoAppSyncConfig
- CognitoAuthConfig
- CognitoIdentityCredentialsProvider
- CognitoIdentityManager
- CognitoOAuthConfig
- The Cognito HostedUI configuration.
- CognitoPinpointAnalyticsConfig
- CognitoPinpointTargetingConfig
- CognitoPluginConfig
- The AWS Cognito plugin configuration.
- CognitoUserAttributeKey
User attributes available for configuring via
, or updating viaAmplify.Auth.updateUserAttribute
. - CognitoUserPoolConfig
T extends AWSSerializable> - A map of configuration names to their typed representations.
- ConfirmResetPasswordOptions
- The shared confirm reset password options among all Auth plugins.
- ConfirmResetPasswordRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a confirm reset password request.
- ConfirmSignInOptions
- ConfirmSignInRequest
- ConfirmSignUpOptions
- ConfirmSignUpRequest
- ConfirmUserAttributeRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a request to confirm a user attribute update.
- ConfirmUserAttributeResult
- Wraps the result of a confirm user attribute operation.
- ConflictData
- ConflictResolutionDecision
- ContainsQueryOperator
- CredentialsProviders
- DataStoreCategory
- Interface for DataStore category. This expose all the APIs that are supported by this category's plugins. This class will accept plugins to be registered and configured and then subsequent API calls will be forwarded to those plugins.
- DataStoreExceptionMessages
- Commonly used cross-category error messages.
- DataStoreHubEvent
- DataStorePluginInterface
- DataStoreSyncExpression
- Sync expression to configure DataStore plugin with. These expressions include query predicates which specify filters for selectively persisting a subset of data to the local device
- DownloadFileOptions
- DownloadFileRequest
- DownloadFileResult
T extends ModelIdentifier< Model> > -
T> - FetchUserAttributesOptions
- The shared fetch user attributes options among all Auth plugins.
- FetchUserAttributesRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a fetch user attributes operation
- FunctionAuthProvider
- Handles the retrieval of tokens for Custom Function-protected API calls.
- GetUrlOptions
- GetUrlRequest
- GetUrlResult
T> -
T> - A GraphQL request with a few extra properties used to decode the response or use the correct API if the backend has multiple.
T> - A GraphQL response from the server. See
- GraphQLResponseError
Contains an error produced via a GraphQL invocation. Corresponds to one
entry in the
field on a GraphQL response. - GraphQLResponseErrorLocation
- Represents a location in the GraphQL request document where an error occurred. line and column correspond to the beginning of the syntax element associated with the error.
T> -
T extends Comparable> -
T extends Comparable> - HubEvent
M extends Model> -
The model associated with a DataStore
Hub event. -
M extends Model> -
The model and metadata associated with a DataStore
Hub event. - HubEventPayload
T extends Comparable> -
T extends Comparable> - ListOptions
- ListRequest
- ListResult
- MethodChannelAmplify
- An implementation of AmplifyClass that uses method channels.
- Model
- ModelAssociation
- ModelField
- ModelFieldDefinition
- ModelFieldType
T extends Model> - Model identifier presentation
- ModelIndex
Describes an index that is created by
directive, and is listed in ModelSchemaDefinition.indexes. - ModelMutationsInterface
- ModelProviderInterface
- ModelQueriesInterface
- ModelSchema
- ModelSchemaDefinition
- ModelSubscriptionsInterface
- ModelSyncedEvent
T extends Model> - NetworkStatusEvent
T extends ModelIdentifier< Model> > -
T> - ObserveQueryThrottleOptions
- Options for throttling events emitted from ObserveQuery during the sync process
- OIDCAuthProvider
- Handles the retrieval of tokens for OIDC-protected API calls.
- OutboxMutationEvent
- OutboxStatusEvent
T extends Model> - The modelType for decoding list query requests.
T extends Model> - PasswordProtectionSettings
- PinpointAnalytics
- PinpointPluginConfig
- The AWS Pinpoint plugin configuration.
- PinpointTargeting
- QueryByIdentifierOperation
T> - A field used to query models.
T> -
T> -
T extends ModelIdentifier< Model> > - QueryPagination
T extends Model> - Represents individual conditions or groups of conditions that are used to query data
- QueryPredicateGroup
- QueryPredicateOperation
T extends Model> - A snapshot consisting of the items in the local store when the snapshot was generated and a boolean value to indicate if this model has finished syncing data over the network.
- QuerySortBy
- Represents a model field and an order to sort by (ascending or descending), used to specify the order of results from a query operation
- RemoveOptions
- RemoveRequest
- RemoveResult
- ResendSignUpCodeOptions
- The shared resend sign up code options among all Auth plugins.
- ResendSignUpCodeRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a resend sign up code request.
- ResendSignUpCodeResult
- ResendUserAttributeConfirmationCodeOptions
- The shared resend user attribute confirmation code options among all Auth plugins.
- ResendUserAttributeConfirmationCodeRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a request to resend a user attribute confirmation code.
- ResendUserAttributeConfirmationCodeResult
- Wraps the result of a resend user confirmation code operation.
- ResetPasswordOptions
- The shared reset password options among all Auth plugins.
- ResetPasswordRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a reset password request.
- ResetPasswordResult
- The result of a password reset request.
- ResetPasswordStep
- The next step required for resetting a user's password.
- RestOperation
- RestOptions
- RestResponse
- An HTTP response from a REST API call.
- S3PluginConfig
- The AWS S3 plugin configuration.
- S3TransferUtility
V> - A Map which conforms to AWSSerializable.
- SignInOptions
- SignInRequest
- SignInResult
- SignInWithWebUIOptions
- SignInWithWebUIRequest
- SignOutOptions
- The shared sign out options among all Auth plugins.
- SignOutRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a sign out request
- SignOutResult
- SignUpOptions
- SignUpRequest
- SignUpResult
E> - An Object that holds a list that maintains a specifc sort order
- StorageCategory
- StorageConfig
- The Storage category configuration.
- StorageItem
- StorageOptions
- StoragePluginInterface
M extends Model> -
T extends Model> - An event containing the details of mutations that have occurred on the backend
- SyncQueriesStartedEvent
- TemporalDate
- Represents a valid extended ISO-8601 Date string, with an optional timezone offset. YYYY-MM-DD±hh:mm:ss (ISO_OFFSET_DATE) or YYYY-MM-DD (ISO_LOCAL_DATE)
- TemporalDateTime
- Represents a valid extended ISO-8601 DateTime string. The time zone offset is compulsory. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ (ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME)
- TemporalTime
- Represents a valid extended ISO-8601 Time string, with an optional timezone offset. hh:mm:ss.sss±hh:mm:ss hh:mm:ss.sss
- TemporalTimestamp
- The Temporal.Timestamp scalar type represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970-01-01T00:00Z. Timestamps are serialized and deserialized as numbers. Negative values are also accepted and these represent the number of seconds til 1970-01-01T00:00Z.
- TransferProgress
- The progress of a storage transfer operation.
- UpdatePasswordOptions
- The shared update password options among all Auth plugins.
- UpdatePasswordRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for an update password request
- UpdatePasswordResult
- The result of an update password request.
- UpdateUserAttributeOptions
- The shared update user attribute options among all Auth plugins.
- UpdateUserAttributeRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a update user attribute operation.
- UpdateUserAttributeResult
- Wraps the result of an update user attribute operation.
- UpdateUserAttributesOptions
- The shared update user attributes options among all Auth plugins.
- UpdateUserAttributesRequest
- Encapsulates parameters for a update user attributes operation.
- UploadFileOptions
- UploadFileRequest
- UploadFileResult
- UserAttributeKey
- A user attribute identifier.
- APIAuthorizationType
- The types of authorization one can use while talking to an Amazon AppSync GraphQL backend, or an Amazon API Gateway endpoint.
- AuthenticationFlowType
- AuthModeStrategy
- Represents different auth strategies supported by a client interfacing with an AppSync backend
- AuthRuleProvider
- AuthStrategy
- AWSHttpMethod
- Valid HTTP methods for AWS requests.
- Category
- Amplify category types.
- EndpointType
- EventType
- The different type of mutations that may be observed
- GraphQLRequestOperation
- GraphQLRequestType
- HubChannel
- MfaConfiguration
- MfaType
- ModelAssociationEnum
- ModelFieldTypeEnum
- ModelOperation
- PasswordPolicyCharacters
- QueryFieldOperatorType
- QueryPredicateConstantType
- QueryPredicateGroupType
- QuerySortOrder
- ResolutionStrategy
- SocialProvider
- StorageAccessLevel
T extends AWSEquatable< T> > - Mixin class to provide equatable functionality on objects.
- AWSSerializable
A mixin to provide
functionality to objects.
- APIAuthorizationTypeX on APIAuthorizationType
- Helper methods for APIAuthorizationType.
- AuthModeStrategyX on AuthModeStrategy
- Helpers for AuthModeStrategy.
- AWSHttpMethodHelper on AWSHttpMethod
- Helpers for AWSHttpMethod.
- CategoryName on Category
- ModelFieldTypeMethods on ModelFieldTypeEnum
- QueryFieldOperatorTypeExtension on QueryFieldOperatorType
- QuerySortOrderExtension on QuerySortOrder
- amplifySerializable → const JsonSerializable
- Global serialization options for Amplify types.
- awsSerializable → const JsonSerializable
- Global serialization options for AWS types.
- configMapSerializable → const JsonSerializable
- Serialization options for ConfigMap types.
- dummyFieldName → const String
- zDebugMode → const bool
- Whether running in debug mode.
- zIsWeb → const bool
- Whether running on the Web.
- zProfileMode → const bool
- Whether running in profile mode.
- zReleaseMode → const bool
- Whether running in release mode.
- Amplify ↔ AmplifyClass
Top level singleton Amplify object.
getter/setter pair
T> (String? key, List< T> values) → T? -
Object? obj) → String? -
String fieldName) → String - Removes the model name that is pre-pended to id fields.
dynamic value) → bool -
check whether an dynamic type
is an enum -
QueryPredicate< Model> predicate) → QueryPredicateGroup -
Object? json) → String -
with indentation for easier debugging. -
Object? o) → void -
in debug-mode only. -
{bool secure = false}) → String - Generates a UUID (v4).
= Future<
void> Function([APIAuthorizationType?]) - Refreshes the token for a given type or all registered types if none is passed.
- DataStoreConflictHandler = ConflictResolutionDecision Function(ConflictData)
Exceptions / Errors
- AliasExistsException
- Exception thrown when attempts are made to confirm the account with an email or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias from a different account. This exception indicates an account with this email or phone already exists.
- AmplifyAlreadyConfiguredException
Thrown when amplify has already been configured.
Amplify can only be configured once at run time.
Use this exception to detect that
is called again (such as during a hot reload) - AmplifyCodeGenModelException
- Exception thrown from codegen models
- AmplifyException
- Thrown from top level Amplify APIs from the amplify-flutter package. All other Amplify APIs throw subclasses of AmplifyException.
- AnalyticsException
- Base Class for Analytics Exceptions
- ApiException
- Exception thrown from the API Category.
- AuthException
- The base class for Auth category exceptions.
- CodeDeliveryFailureException
- Exception thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.
- CodeExpiredException
- Exception thrown when a verification code provided to the requested service is expired.
- CodeMismatchException
- Exception thrown when a verification code provided to the requested service doesn't match what the service was expecting.
- DataStoreException
- Exception thrown from DataStore Category
- DeviceNotTrackedException
- Exception thrown when a request is made for a device which is either not currently tracked or previously forgotten.
- FailedAttemptsLimitExceededException
- Exception thrown when too many failed attempts for a given action has been made, such as sign-in.
- InternalErrorException
- Exception thrown when the requested service encounters an internal error.
- InvalidAccountTypeException
- Exception thrown when the configuration of the signed in account does not support the requested operation.
- InvalidParameterException
- Exception thrown when the requested service encounters an invalid parameter.
- InvalidPasswordException
- Exception thrown when the requested service encounters an invalid password.
- InvalidStateException
- Exception thrown when the requested operation is not valid in the current Amplity Auth state.
- InvalidUserPoolConfigurationException
- Exception thrown when a user pool configuration provided to the requested service is invalid.
- LambdaException
- Exception thrown when an error from the AWS Lambda service is encountered.
- LimitExceededException
- Exception thrown when the limit for the requested service resource is exceeded.
- MFAMethodNotFoundException
- Exception thrown when the requested service cannot find a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method
- NotAuthorizedException
- Exception thrown when a user isn't authorized to access the requested resource.
- PasswordResetRequiredException
- Exception thrown when the requested operation requires a password reset.
- ResourceNotFoundException
- Exception thrown when the requested resource doesn't exist.
- RestException
- An HTTP error encountered during a REST API call, i.e. for calls returning non-2xx status codes.
- SessionExpiredException
- Exception thrown when the current session is expired.
- Exception thrown when valid credentials could not be obtained due to the device being offline.
- Exception thrown when valid credentials could not be obtained due to the an error from the requested service.
- SignedOutException
- Exception thrown when the requested operation can't be performed due to the user being signed out.
- SoftwareTokenMFANotFoundException
- Exception thrown when the software token time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) isn't activated for the user pool.
- StorageException
- Exception thrown from Storage Category
- TooManyFailedAttemptsException
- Exception thrown when too many failed attempts have been made for a given action, such as sign-in.
- TooManyRequestsException
- Exception thrown when a request is being made too frequently and is more than what the requested service can handle.
- UnknownException
- Exception thrown when an unknown error from an underlying SDK or service is encountered.
- UserCancelledException
- Exception thrown when a requested operation could not be completed because it was cancelled by the user.
- UsernameExistsException
- Exception thrown when the requested service encounters a user name that already exists in the user pool.
- UserNotConfirmedException
- Exception thrown when the requested operation can't be performed because the user hasn't been confirmed successfully with the requested service.
- UserNotFoundException
- Exception thrown when the requested operation can't be performed because the user can't be found by the requested service.