signUp method

Future<SignUpResult> signUp({
  1. required String username,
  2. required String password,
  3. SignUpOptions? options,

Create a new user with the given username and password.

Optionally accepts plugin options which allow customizing provider-specific behavior, e.g. the Cognito User Pool.

For more information, see the Amplify docs.


import 'package:amplify_auth_cognito/amplify_auth_cognito.dart';
import 'package:amplify_flutter/amplify_flutter.dart';
/// Signs a user up with a username, password, and email. The required
/// attributes may be different depending on your app's configuration.
Future<void> signUpUser({
  required String username,
  required String password,
  required String email,
  String? phoneNumber,
}) async {
  try {
    final userAttributes = { email,
      if (phoneNumber != null) AuthUserAttributeKey.phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
      // additional attributes as needed
    final result = await Amplify.Auth.signUp(
      username: username,
      password: password,
      options: SignUpOptions(
        userAttributes: userAttributes,
    return _handleSignUpResult(result);
  } on AuthException catch (e) {
    safePrint('Error signing up user: ${e.message}');

The next step in the sign up flow is to confirm the user. A confirmation code will be sent to the email or phone number provided during sign up. Prompt the user to check their device for the code sent by Cognito.

Future<void> _handleSignUpResult(SignUpResult result) async {
  switch (result.nextStep.signUpStep) {
    case AuthSignUpStep.confirmSignUp:
      final codeDeliveryDetails = result.nextStep.codeDeliveryDetails!;
    case AuthSignUpStep.done:
      safePrint('Sign up is complete');
void _handleCodeDelivery(AuthCodeDeliveryDetails codeDeliveryDetails) {
    'A confirmation code has been sent to ${codeDeliveryDetails.destination}. '
    'Please check your ${} for the code.',

If you need to resend the sign up code at any point in the sign up process, call resendSignUpCode.


Future<SignUpResult> signUp({
  required String username,
  required String password,
  SignUpOptions? options,
}) =>
      () => defaultPlugin.signUp(
        username: username,
        password: password,
        options: options,