configureDataStore method

Future<void> configureDataStore({
  1. required ModelProviderInterface modelProvider,
  2. dynamic errorHandler(
    1. AmplifyException
  3. DataStoreConflictHandler? conflictHandler,
  4. int? syncInterval,
  5. int? syncMaxRecords,
  6. int? syncPageSize,
  7. AuthModeStrategy authModeStrategy = AuthModeStrategy.defaultStrategy,

Configure AmplifyDataStore plugin with mandatory modelProvider and optional DataStore configuration properties including

errorHandler: Custom error handler function that may receive an AmplifyException object when DataStore encounters an unhandled error during its background operations

syncInterval: DataStore syncing interval (in seconds)

syncMaxRecords: Max number of records to sync

syncPageSize: Page size to sync


Future<void> configureDataStore({
  required ModelProviderInterface modelProvider,
  Function(AmplifyException)? errorHandler,
  DataStoreConflictHandler? conflictHandler,
  int? syncInterval,
  int? syncMaxRecords,
  int? syncPageSize,
  AuthModeStrategy authModeStrategy = AuthModeStrategy.defaultStrategy,
}) {
  throw UnimplementedError('configureDataStore() has not been implemented.');