addPlugin method

  1. @override
Future<void> addPlugin(
  1. DataStorePluginInterface plugin

Adds a plugin to the category.


Future<void> addPlugin(DataStorePluginInterface plugin) async {
  // TODO: Discuss and support multiple plugins
  if (plugins.isEmpty) {
    try {
      // Extra step to configure datastore specifically.
      // Note: The native datastore plugins are not added
      // in the `onAttachedToEngine` but rather in the `configure()
      await plugin.configureDataStore(
          modelProvider: plugin.modelProvider!,
          errorHandler: plugin.errorHandler);
    } on AmplifyAlreadyConfiguredException {
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      throw AmplifyException.fromMap(Map<String, String>.from(e.details));
  } else {
    throw const AmplifyException(
      'DataStore plugin has already been added, multiple plugins for '
      'DataStore category are currently not supported.',