a Package for creating Servers. with this package you can easily create your servers. no need to think about multithreading inside your server this package will handle it for you
With this package, you can easily create your own servers. This package automatically manages your isolates and you don't need to get involved with isolates.
Getting started
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file.
amix: ^0.0.16
Import the package.
import 'package:amix/amix.dart'
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:amix/amix.dart';
void main() async {
serverAddress = ""; //your Server Address
serverPort=8080; //your Server Port
AmixSetUp exampleServer = AmixSetUp(serverRoute: AmixRouteExample()); //server SetUp
await exampleServer.startMultiCoreServer(isolateCount: 10); //Start Server With 10 Isolates
class AmixRouteExample extends AmixRoute {
void setEntryPoints() { //set entry ports
"/hi", //route =>> /hi
onCall: (AmixRequest request) { //when this route called
return AmixResponse(//response
response: (response) async {
try {
response.write("hello world!!"); //write something
await response.flush(); //flush response
await response.close(); //close response
} catch (e) {
AmixResponse onPageNotFound() { //if page not found
return AmixResponse(//response
response: (HttpResponse response) async {
response.statusCode = 404; //change status code
response.write("Page Not Found 404"); //write something
await response.flush(); //flush response
await response.close(); //close response
void onEveryCall(req){ // on Every Request that comes inside your server this function will be called
print("on Every Call"); //on Every Call
Data Base
for your server Data Base you can use "amix_database" package.
amix Team is accepted "amix_database".
its so Easy to work with amix_database package.
here is the Package Url and git Repository Url: