get method

Future<APIResponse<Map<String, dynamic>>> get({
  1. List<Lookup>? lookups,
  2. GetOptions? options,

Gets the object referred to by this db object and identified by the id from the database. While getting the object it also performs the specified lookups. If the id of the db object is not specified, it returns an error.

If the client library key is set to enforce session, an active user session is required (e.g., user needs to be logged in) to call this method.

lookups The list of lookups to make (left outer join) while getting the object from the database. lookups's elements can be SimpleLookup or ComplexLookup.

options Get operation options. By default no caching of the retrieved object in Redis store.

Returns the object identified by the id or null if no such object exists in the database


Future<APIResponse<Map<String, dynamic>>> get(
        {List<Lookup>? lookups, GetOptions? options}) =><Map<String, dynamic>>('/_api/rest/v1/db/object/get', body: {
      'options': DEFAULT_GET_OPTIONS.merge(options).toJson(),
      'id': _id,
      'lookups': lookups?.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList(),
      'model': _modelName