signOut method

Future<APIError?> signOut([
  1. String? sessionToken

If an input token is provided, signs out the user from the current session, clears user and session data in local storage and removes the Session header in Fetcher. Otherwise, signs out the user from the session identified by the input token.

An active user session is required (e.g., user needs to be logged in) to call this method.

sessionToken Session token which uniquely identifies a user session.


Future<APIError?> signOut([String? sessionToken]) async {
  try {
    var response = await<dynamic>('/_api/rest/v1/auth/signout',
        body: {if (sessionToken != null) 'token': sessionToken});

    var session = await getSession();

    if (response.errors == null &&
        (sessionToken == null ||
            (session != null && sessionToken == session.token))) {
      await _deleteLocalData();

    return response.errors;
  } on Exception {
    return null;