onUserEvent method

void onUserEvent(
  1. UserEventListenerFunction listener

Registers a method to listen to main user events. The following events will be listened:

Event Description
user:signin Triggered whenever a new user session is created.
user:signout Triggered when a user session is deleted. If signOutAll or signOutAllExceptCurrent method is called then for each deleted sesssion a separate user:signout event is triggered.
user:update Triggered whenever user data changes including password, email and phone number updates.
user:delete Triggered when the user data is deleted from the database.
user:pwdchange Triggered when the user password changes, either through direct password update or password reset.
user:emailchange Triggered whenever the email of the user changes.
user:phonechange Triggered whenever the phone number of the user changes.

Please note that user:update and user:delete events are fired only when a specific user with a known _id is updated or deleted in the database. For bulk user update or delete operations these events are not fired.

An active user session is required (e.g., user needs to be logged in) to call this method.

listener The listener function. This function gets two input parameters the name of the event that is being triggered and the user session object that has triggered the event. If the event is triggered by the user without a session, then the session value will be null.


void onUserEvent(UserEventListenerFunction listener) {