getAllEditions function

Future<List<Edition>> getAllEditions({
  1. String? format,
  2. String? language,
  3. String? type,

? Edition Endpoints Lists all available editions. You can filter the results using the parameters below. format - Specify a format. 'text' or 'audio' language - A 2 digit language code. Example: 'en', 'fr', etc. type - A valid type. Example - 'versebyverse', 'translation' etc.


/// Lists all available editions. You can filter the results using the parameters below.
/// `format` - Specify a format. 'text' or 'audio'
/// `language` - A 2 digit language code. Example: '`en`', '`fr`', etc.
/// `type` - A valid type. Example - 'versebyverse', 'translation' etc.
Future<List<Edition>> getAllEditions({
  String? format,
  String? language,
  String? type,
}) async {
  final res = await get('/edition', query: {
    if (format != null) 'format': format,
    if (language != null) 'language': language,
    if (type != null) 'type': type,
  return (res['data'] as List).map<Edition>((e) => Edition.fromMap(e as Map<String, dynamic>)).toList();