onScaleUpdate method
void onScaleUpdate(ScaleUpdateDetails details) {
// Reset transformation matrices.
translationDeltaMatrix = Matrix4.identity();
scaleDeltaMatrix = Matrix4.identity();
rotationDeltaMatrix = Matrix4.identity();
// Handle translation.
if (widget.shouldTranslate) {
Offset translationDelta = translationUpdater.update(details.focalPoint);
translationDeltaMatrix = _translate(translationDelta);
matrix = translationDeltaMatrix * matrix;
final focalPointAlignment = widget.focalPointAlignment;
final focalPoint = focalPointAlignment == null
? details.localFocalPoint
: focalPointAlignment.alongSize(context.size!);
// Handle scaling.
if (widget.shouldScale && details.scale != 1.0) {
double sc = recordOldScale * details.scale;
if (sc > widget.minScale && sc < widget.maxScale) {
recordScale = sc;
double scaleDelta = scaleUpdater.update(details.scale);
scaleDeltaMatrix = _scale(scaleDelta, focalPoint);
matrix = scaleDeltaMatrix * matrix;
// Handle rotation.
if (widget.shouldRotate && details.rotation != 0.0) {
double rotationDelta = rotationUpdater.update(details.rotation);
rotationDeltaMatrix = _rotate(rotationDelta, focalPoint);
matrix = rotationDeltaMatrix * matrix;
// Notify the callback with the updated scale and matrix.
log.log("storage ${matrix.storage}");
widget.onUpdate(recordScale, matrix);