addWidget method
void addWidget(Widget widget,
{Matrix4? matrix4,
bool? isFlipped,
String? pathSticker,
String? stickerID}) {
// Generate a unique key for the widget.
Key key = Key('alpha-${}-${_nrRnd()}');
key: key,
borderColor: borderColor,
iconColor: iconColor,
showDone: showDone,
showClose: showClose,
showFlip: showFlip,
showStack: showStack,
showLock: showLock,
showAllBorders: showAllBorders,
shouldMove: shouldMove,
shouldRotate: shouldRotate,
shouldScale: shouldScale,
minScale: minScale,
maxScale: maxScale,
initMatrix: matrix4,
isFlipped: isFlipped,
pathSticker: pathSticker,
paramStickerID: stickerID,
borderRadius: borderRadius,
defaultMatrix: defaultMatrix ?? Matrix4.identity().storage,
notifier: ValueNotifier(Matrix4.fromList(
defaultMatrix ?? Matrix4.identity().storage,
onBorder: (key) {
onDelete: (key) {
onLayer: (key) {
onActionAfterDone: onActionAfterDone,
onActionAfterDelete: onActionAfterDelete,
onScaleStickerStart: onScaleStickerStart,
onTapSticker: onTapSticker,
onTapOutsideSticker: onTapOutsideSticker,
child: widget));
// Highlight the border of the added widget.