
Alligator is a lightweight and easy-to-use dependency injection library for Dart.


How it works

Alligator allows you to register classes with a dependency injector and easily retrieve instances of those classes when needed. It supports both singleton and non-singleton instances, giving you flexibility in managing your dependencies.

How to use

1. Add Alligator to your project

Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml:

  alligator: ^1.0.0

2. Create a dependency injector

Create an instance of the Alligator class to use as your dependency injector:

import 'package:alligator/alligator.dart';

final di = Alligator();

3. Register your dependencies

Register the classes you want to use with the dependency injector:

di.register<YourClass>(() => YourClass(), isSingleton: false);

isSingleton is an optional parameter. Set it to true if you want to create a singleton instance, or false if you want to create a new instance every time you request it.

4. Retrieve instances

Use the get<T> method to retrieve instances of your registered classes:

final instance = di.get<YourClass>();

That's it! You're now ready to use Alligator to manage your dependencies.

Example Here's a simple example demonstrating how to use Alligator:

import 'package:alligator/alligator.dart';

class Greeter {
  final String greeting;


void main() {
  final di = Alligator();

  di.register<Greeter>(() => Greeter('Hello, Alligator!'));

  final greeter = di.get<Greeter>();

In this example, the Greeter class is registered with the dependency injector, and an instance of the class is retrieved using the get

