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With this widget, you can display a PDF with bytes or a path.



The package alh_pdf_view includes:

  • Displays PDF with bytes or path

See more about the functionalities in the parameter section.



  • implemented in Swift with the dependency PDFKit


import 'package:alh_pdf_view/alh_pdf_view.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class AlhPdfViewExample extends StatelessWidget {
  const AlhPdfViewExample({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('PDF Example')),
      body: const AlhPdfView(
        filePath: 'ADD_PATH_TO_FILE',


This is a list of all parameters that can be used for this widget. Consider that some paremters only work for one platform.

Parameter Description Default Value
filePath Optional path to load PDF file. -
bytes Optional bytes to load PDF file. -
fitPolicy Defines how the PDF should fit inside the widget. FitPolicy.both
fitEachPage Each page of the PDF will fit inside the given space. (only Android) true
enableSwipe The current page will be changed when swiping. true
swipeHorizontal If true, all pages are displayed in horizontal direction. false
nightMode Inverting colors of pages to have the look of a dark mode. (only Android) false
autoSpacing If true, spacing will be added to fit each page on its own on the screen. (only Android) true
pageFling Making a fling change. true
pageSnap Snap pages to screen boundaries when changing the current page. (only Android) true
defaultPage Describes which page should be shown at first. 0
defaultZoomFactor Defines how much the displayed PDF page should zoomed when rendered. 1.0
backgroundColor Setting backgroundColor of remaining space around the pdf view. Colors.transparent
password Unlocks PDF page with this password. ""
enableDoubleTap When double tapping, the zoom of the page changes. (only Android) 1.0
minZoom Min zoom value that the user can reach while zooming. 0.5
maxZoom Max zoom value that the user can reach while zooming. 4.0
enableDefaultScrollHandle Adds a button to scroll faster through the document. (only Android) false
showScrollbar If true, a Scrollbar is visible for the Pdf View (only iOS). true
spacing Spacing between pdf pages. 0

This is a list of functional parameters.

Parameter Description Default Value
gestureRecognizers Which gestures should be consumed by the pdf view. -
onViewCreated If not null invoked once the native view is created. -
onRender Callback once the PDF page was loaded. -
onPageChanged When changing the page, this method will be called with the new page. -
onZoomChanged Called when changing the zoom. -
onError When there are errors happening, this methods returns a message. -
onLinkHandle Called when tapping a link in PDF. (only iOS) -


If you want to start specific actions for the displayed PDF file, you can use AlhPdfViewController. This controller contains some functionalities to update your view. Here is a list of them.

Parameter Description
getPageCount Returns the number of pages for the PDF.
getCurrentPage Returns the current displayed page.
setPage Jumping to the page optionally animated.
goToNextPage Navigates to the next page of the PDF.
goToPreviousPage Navigates to the previous page of the PDF.
resetZoom Setting the scale factor to the default zoom factor.
setZoom Zooming to the given zoom.
getZoom Returns the current zoom value.
getPageSize Returns the size of the given page index. (only iOS)
setOrientation Rebuilds pdf after the orientation was changed to ensure it is correctly displayed. (only Android for internal use)
updateCreationParams Reacts to any changes for bytes, filePath, fitPolicy and showScrollbar. (only for internal use)
dispose Called to cancel all subscription and disposing on the native part after the AlhPdfView was disposed (only for internal use)

