jaroSimilarity<E> function
Find the Jaro Similarity index between two list of items.
are two list of items.
The Jaro similarity index between two list of items is the weighted sum of percentage of matched items from each list and transposed items.
See Also: jaroWinklerSimilarity
If n
is the length of source
and m
is the length of target
Complexity: Time O(nm)
| Space O(n+m)
double jaroSimilarity<E>(List<E> source, List<E> target) {
int sLen = source.length;
int tLen = target.length;
int i, j, k;
int match = 0;
int transpositions = 0;
// If two strings are equal
if (sLen == tLen) {
for (i = 0; i < sLen; ++i) {
if (source[i] != target[i]) {
if (i == sLen) return 1;
if (sLen > tLen) {
List<E> t = source;
source = target;
target = t;
sLen = source.length;
tLen = target.length;
// The maximum distance of matching characters
int maxDist = (tLen >> 1) - 1;
// Flags for matches
List<bool> sMatch = List<bool>.filled(sLen, false, growable: false);
List<bool> tMatch = List<bool>.filled(tLen, false, growable: false);
// Check which matching items from first to second
for (i = 0; i < sLen; ++i) {
j = i > maxDist ? i - maxDist : 0;
k = i + maxDist + 1;
if (k > tLen) k = tLen;
for (; j < k; j++) {
if (!tMatch[j] && source[i] == target[j]) {
sMatch[i] = true;
tMatch[j] = true;
// If no match is found
if (match == 0) {
return 0;
// Find number of sandwitched matches
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sLen; ++i) {
if (!sMatch[i]) continue;
while (!tMatch[k]) {
if (source[i] != target[k]) {
// Calculate the Jaro similarity index
double m = match.toDouble();
double t = transpositions * 0.5;
return (m / sLen + m / tLen + (m - t) / m) / 3.0;