countingSort function

void countingSort(
  1. List<int> list, {
  2. int? begin,
  3. int? end,
  4. bool reversed = false,

Sorts a list of integer numbers of small range using the counting sort algorithm.


  • list is any list of integers to be sorted.
  • To perform partial sorting, you can specify the begin or end.
  • begin is the start index of the range to be sorted.
  • If begin is negative, range starts at the 0
  • If begin is not below the length of the list, range will be empty.
  • end is the final index if the range to be sorted. It is exclusive.
  • If end is above the length of the list, it will be ignored.
  • If end is negative, the absolute value of it will be subtracted from the length of the list to determine where the range ends.
  • If end is not greater than the begin, the range will be empty.
  • Set reversed to true if you want to sort in descending order.


This algorithm is used to sort small integers in linear time. It counts the frequencies of the numbers appearing in an array, and then using this to reconstruct a sorted list.

It assuumes that the numbers in the list will be in a small range [low, high] of length k . An array of size k is initialized to count the frequencies of numbers. Be aware that if k is too large it becomes greatly inefficient.

Complexity: Time O(n + k) | Space O(k) (k is the range of the elements)


void countingSort(
  List<int> list, {
  int? begin,
  int? end,
  bool reversed = false,
}) {
  int b, e;
  int n = list.length;

  // Find the range given the parameters.
  b = 0;
  e = n;
  if (begin != null && b < begin) {
    b = begin;
  if (end != null && end < e) {
    e = end;
    if (e < 0) e += n;

  if (b + 1 >= e) return;

  /// sorts range `[b, e)`
  int l, h, m, i, j, k;

  // Find the minimum and maximum numbers in range [b, e)
  l = list[b];
  h = list[b];
  for (i = b + 1; i < e; ++i) {
    if (list[i] < l) {
      l = list[i];
    if (list[i] > h) {
      h = list[i];

  m = h - l + 1;
  List<int> count = List<int>.filled(m, 0, growable: false);

  // Count frequencies of the numbers
  for (i = b; i < e; ++i) {
    count[list[i] - l]++;

  // Reconstruct a sorted list
  k = b;
  for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
    for (j = count[i]; j > 0; --j) {
      list[k++] = l + i;

  if (reversed) {
    // reverse the order of the list
    reverseList(list, b, e);