binarySearchQuick<E, V> function

int binarySearchQuick<E, V>(
  1. List<E> list,
  2. V value, {
  3. int? start,
  4. int? count,
  5. EntryComparator<E, V>? compare,

This function returns the index of the first occurence of a value in a sorted list. Unlike binarySearch, this does not ensure that the index of the value is as minimum as possible.


  • The list must be a sorted list of items, otherwise the behavior of this method is not defined.
  • The value must be comparable with the list items. Otherwise, TypeError is returned.
  • If start is given, search start there and go towards the end of the list.
  • If start is not below the length of the list, -1 is returned.
  • If start is negative, search starts at start + count or 0, whichever is greater.
  • If the count parameter is given, it will check up to count numbers of items.
  • If count is negative, -1 is returned.
  • compare is a custom compare function between a list element and the value. If it is null, compareTo method of list item is used.


The search will begin with a range from start and consider at most count number of items. In each iteration, the range will be narrowed down by half. If the middle item of the range is equal to the value, the index is returned immediately. If middle item is less than the value, right half of range will be selected. Otherwise, the left half. After this process is complete, since we did not find our value, -1 is returned.

Complexity: Time O(log n) | Space O(1)


int binarySearchQuick<E, V>(
  List<E> list,
  V value, {
  int? start,
  int? count,
  EntryComparator<E, V>? compare,
}) {
  int i, j;
  int n = list.length;

  // determine range [i, j)
  i = start ?? 0;
  j = n;
  if (count != null) {
    if (count <= 0) return -1;
    j = i + count;
    if (j > n) j = n;
  if (i < 0) i = 0;

  if (compare == null) {
    return binarySearchDefault(list, value, i, j);
  } else {
    return binarySearchCustom(list, value, i, j, compare);