build method

Future<T?> build()


Future<T?> build() async {
  final flatFee = this.flatFee;
  final suggestedFeePerByte = this.suggestedFeePerByte;

  // Fee validation
  if (suggestedFeePerByte != null && flatFee != null) {
    throw AlgorandException(message: 'Cannot set both fee and flat fee.');

  if (suggestedFeePerByte != null) {
    // Set the fee to calculate correct estimated transaction size
    // see setFeeByFeePerByte in Java
    _fee = suggestedFeePerByte;

    final transactionSize = await estimatedTransactionSize();

    _fee = await FeeCalculator.calculateTransactionFee(
  } else if (flatFee != null) {
    _fee = flatFee;

  // Ensure min fee
  if (fee < RawTransaction.MIN_TX_FEE_UALGOS) {
    _fee = RawTransaction.MIN_TX_FEE_UALGOS;

  return null;