searchableAttributes property

  1. @JsonKey(name: r'searchableAttributes')
List<String>? searchableAttributes

Attributes used for searching. Attribute names are case-sensitive. By default, all attributes are searchable and the Attribute ranking criterion is turned off. With a non-empty list, Algolia only returns results with matches in the selected attributes. In addition, the Attribute ranking criterion is turned on: matches in attributes that are higher in the list of searchableAttributes rank first. To make matches in two attributes rank equally, include them in a comma-separated string, such as \"title,alternate_title\". Attributes with the same priority are always unordered. For more information, see Searchable attributes. Modifier - unordered(\"ATTRIBUTE\"). Ignore the position of a match within the attribute. Without a modifier, matches at the beginning of an attribute rank higher than matches at the end.


@JsonKey(name: r'searchableAttributes')
final List<String>? searchableAttributes;