optionalWords property

  1. @JsonKey(name: r'optionalWords')
List<String>? optionalWords

Words that should be considered optional when found in the query. By default, records must match all words in the search query to be included in the search results. Adding optional words can help to increase the number of search results by running an additional search query that doesn't include the optional words. For example, if the search query is "action video" and "video" is an optional word, the search engine runs two queries. One for "action video" and one for "action". Records that match all words are ranked higher. For a search query with 4 or more words and all its words are optional, the number of matched words required for a record to be included in the search results increases for every 1,000 records: - If optionalWords has less than 10 words, the required number of matched words increases by 1: results 1 to 1,000 require 1 matched word, results 1,001 to 2000 need 2 matched words. - If optionalWords has 10 or more words, the number of required matched words increases by the number of optional words dividied by 5 (rounded down). For example, with 18 optional words: results 1 to 1,000 require 1 matched word, results 1,001 to 2000 need 4 matched words. For more information, see Optional words.


@JsonKey(name: r'optionalWords')
final List<String>? optionalWords;