filters property

  1. @JsonKey(name: r'filters')
String? filters

Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response. You can use these filter expressions: - Numeric filters. <facet> <op> <number>, where <op> is one of <, <=, =, !=, >, >=. - Ranges. <facet>:<lower> TO <upper> where <lower> and <upper> are the lower and upper limits of the range (inclusive). - Facet filters. <facet>:<value> where <facet> is a facet attribute (case-sensitive) and <value> a facet value. - Tag filters. _tags:<value> or just <value> (case-sensitive). - Boolean filters. <facet>: true | false. You can combine filters with AND, OR, and NOT operators with the following restrictions: - You can only combine filters of the same type with OR. Not supported: facet:value OR num > 3. - You can't use NOT with combinations of filters. Not supported: NOT(facet:value OR facet:value) - You can't combine conjunctions (AND) with OR. Not supported: facet:value OR (facet:value AND facet:value) Use quotes around your filters, if the facet attribute name or facet value has spaces, keywords (OR, AND, NOT), or quotes. If a facet attribute is an array, the filter matches if it matches at least one element of the array. For more information, see Filters.


@JsonKey(name: r'filters')
final String? filters;