searchUserIds method

Future<SearchUserIdsResponse> searchUserIds({
  1. required SearchUserIdsParams searchUserIdsParams,
  2. RequestOptions? requestOptions,

Since it can take a few seconds to get the data from the different clusters, the response isn't real-time. To ensure rapid updates, the user IDs index isn't built at the same time as the mapping. Instead, it's built every 12 hours, at the same time as the update of user ID usage. For example, if you add or move a user ID, the search will show an old value until the next time the mapping is rebuilt (every 12 hours).

Required API Key ACLs:

  • admin


  • searchUserIdsParams
  • requestOptions additional request configuration.


Future<SearchUserIdsResponse> searchUserIds({
  required SearchUserIdsParams searchUserIdsParams,
  RequestOptions? requestOptions,
}) async {
  final request = ApiRequest(
    path: r'/1/clusters/mapping/search',
    isRead: true,
    body: searchUserIdsParams.toJson(),
  final response = await _retryStrategy.execute(
    request: request,
    options: requestOptions,
  return deserialize<SearchUserIdsResponse, SearchUserIdsResponse>(
    growable: true,