setData method

Future<AlgoliaTask> setData(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> data

Writes to the object referred to by this AlgoliaObjectReference.

If the object does not yet exist, it will be created.


Future<AlgoliaTask> setData(Map<String, dynamic> data) async {
  try {
    assert(_index != null && _index != '*' && _index != '',
        'IndexName is required, but it has `*` multiple flag or `null`.');
    String url = '${algolia._host}indexes/$_index';
    if (_objectId != null) {
      url = '$url/$_objectId';
    Response response = await post(
      headers: algolia._header,
      body: utf8.encode(json.encode(data, toEncodable: jsonEncodeHelper)),
      encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8'),
    Map<String, dynamic> body = json.decode(response.body);
    return AlgoliaTask._(algolia, _index, body);
  } catch (err) {
    Map<String, dynamic> body = json.decode(err.toString());
    return AlgoliaTask._(algolia, _index, body);