setSumOrFiltersScore method

AlgoliaSettings setSumOrFiltersScore(
  1. bool value


Determines how to calculate the total score for filtering.

When using filter scoring to rank filtered records, you can control how scores are calculated.

Usage notes:

  • When sumOrFiltersScores is false, max score will be kept.
  • When sumOrFiltersScores is true, score will be summed.
  • Just to be clear: False means that the total score of a record is the maximum score of an individual filter. Setting it to true changes the total score by adding together the scores of each matched filter.

Source: Learn more


AlgoliaSettings setSumOrFiltersScore(bool value) {
      'SumOrFiltersScores $value already exists in this query');
  return _copyWithParameters(<String, dynamic>{'sumOrFiltersScores': value});