setNumericFilter method

AlgoliaQuery setNumericFilter(
  1. String value


Filter on numeric attributes.


The filters parameter provides an easier to use, SQL-like syntax. We recommend using it instead of this setting.

Numeric Comparisons

Format: ${attributeName} ${operator} ${operand} Example: inStock > 0.

Supported operators are <, <=, =, !=, >= and >, with the same semantics as in virtually all programming languages.

Numeric Range

Format: ${attributeName}:${lowerBound} TO ${upperBound} Example: price:5.99 TO 100

${lowerBound} and ${upperBound} must be numeric. Both are inclusive.

Usage notes:

  • No boolean operators: You cannot use boolean operators like AND and OR.
  • Multiple filters: If you specify multiple filters, they are interpreted as a conjunction (AND). If you want to use a disjunction (OR), use a nested array.

Source: Learn more


AlgoliaQuery setNumericFilter(String value) {
  final numericFilters = List<String>.from(_parameters['numericFilters']);
  assert(numericFilters.where((String item) => value == item).isEmpty,
      'NumericFilters $value already exists in this query');
  return _copyWithParameters(
      <String, dynamic>{'numericFilters': numericFilters});