partialUpdateObjectNoCreate method

void partialUpdateObjectNoCreate(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> data


partialUpdateObjectNoCreate the object referred to by object.

Same as partialUpdateObject, except that the object is not created if the object designed by objectID does not exist.


void partialUpdateObjectNoCreate(Map<String, dynamic> data) {
  if (!_committed) {
    assert(_index != '*' && _index != '',
        'IndexName is required, but it has `*` multiple flag or `null`.');
    assert(data['objectID'] != null,
        'In batch action [partialUpdateObjectNoCreate] objectID field is required.');
        action: 'partialUpdateObjectNoCreate', body: data));
  } else {
    throw StateError(
        'This batch has been committed and can no longer be changed.');